The best liquid detergent system

The best liquid detergent system
Miele has revolutionised laundry care: its 2-phase system produces a cleaner and more thorough wash result than conventional liquid detergents that do not contain bleaching agents, as these would destroy the other ingredients. Separate storage and dispensing of Miele UltraPhase 1 and 2 allows the use of bleaching agents in the TwinDos® system.
Proven quality
The German Hohenstein test institute tested the automatic 2-Phase dispensing system in connection with Miele’s UltraPhase 1 and UltraPhase 2 detergents. They confirmed excellent wash results in terms of stain removal, the degree of whiteness, the anti-greying effect and accuracy of dispensing.
Automatic dispensing with TwinDos® is not only practical, but also guarantees perfect cleanliness: with UltraPhase 1 and 2 your appliance offers the best liquid detergent dispensing system. TwinDos® dispenses UltraPhase 1 and 2 at the optimum time during the wash process and thus achieves the very best wash results. TwinDos® also dispenses with such precision that you can save up to 30 % on detergent when compared to manual dispensing*.
According to Öko-Institut e.V. report dated 06.09.2013: “Potential savings with automatic TwinDos® dispensing on washing machines”. Figures as examples for showing the product benefit